Monday, December 1, 2014

Thank you

Thank you everyone who has contributed or pledged so far! Though the sabbatical won't officially start until Feb 1st, just the prospect of it on the horizon has infused my writing. I feel clarity about a novel I'd put aside. I hope to finish that before Feb 1st, so the space will be free for new work.

I'll be sharing my work with students on the coast of Maine
Just now I was emailing  the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor Maine about the workshop and performance they want me to do there (in January... I know June would be better but it's all good). We should have a contract very soon soon.

Here's draft of the workshop description. Comments welcome. I thought one or two of the participants might like to "open" for my performance, if they get some lively writing from the workshop.

The Writing of Witness. Most of us have personal experience with injustice in some form – racial, class, gender, environmental. We have been victims, bystanders and perpetrators. To remain silent is to remain victim, bystander or perpetrator. By telling our stories, expressing emotions, naming responsibility and calling for justice we become “the changer and the changed.” It’s been said that slam poetry is “the last soapbox.” What message do you deliver when you step onto yours?