Thursday, April 30, 2015

Send it to the New Yorker!

So said my poetry critique group today about the poem below. I hope it gives enough context that even non-fans of the TV drama can enjoy it. I did submit it, just now, with three other recent poems. Cross your fingers!

One thing I learned from slam is to use what's handy from the culture. Connect with the audience first, THEN leap into new space.

The Americans

They have me rooting for the Russians! I text
my sister, eating oatmeal as snowbank
eats the window. We’re binging Season One, her
real time on a flat screen TV, me late night alone

at my desktop. A deadly epic winter this winter.
Good to wonder what Paige and Henry will do
when they find out their parents are spies, plot
a pickup showing up with a tow chain just in time.

O pull me from this ditch you vicious vulnerable agents!
Fight for your marriage!  Let me see your every wig!  
Windchill’s killing us here and our stupid phones
lay out days of arctic cold days in advance, outfits

we don’t want to wear. In the ancient amphitheater
at Epidaurus sound reached the farthest seats clear
as pillow talk, the people of the city sitting hip to hip
in the sun, laughing, crying as one, thrills rippling

(let’s imagine) around that limestone bowl the day
a figure steps from the chorus to speak a line
where there had only ever been lyric hymn
before. Chills I text my sister, Chills when Paige

with pure American teenaged pissiness extracts
the truth from her dead-serious parents and they
pronounce for her their real Russian names:
Mischa  Nadezhda. Love for The Motherland

in every syllable. A little catharsis, yes?
Dionysius and Athena running hand in hand
along the Mediterranean shore far
far from the cold war.

I love bringing distant and disparate elements into the poem

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Prose then poetry

Not huge news to report, except a good morning of working - a new narrative about meeting a man who knew my father in 3rd grade, and then a poem that I thought was close to done but which opened into new space. Now I think it's done, but my body is saying LUNCH. A good morning of work. After lunch 2-3 hours of teaching related work then maybe a walk. Tonight I hope to spend at least 2 hours submitting work and scouting out an agent. I have a novel I want to edit just a bit before sending out to 2 agents I've researched. This is one that was almost published a while back. The publishing house hired a new director, who decided to cut the fiction line. Just as the book went to the galley stage. Well, old history. Hopefully whatever chunk of karma caused that mess is fully past now and the book can find a home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ok this is a strange synchronicity

At this performance at the Newburgh Public Library, I met a man from Whitestone New York who was in my father's 3rd grade class. Knew him and played with him. And the whole night was just amazing, with my sister and her husband there and a range of ages in the open mic from 15 to near 90, and everyone enjoying themselves. The library wants me to come again and help them start a slam there. Yeah.
The odd thing is I'm pretty sure, looking at that, what line I'm on right then.
Lou is the man leaning forward with chin in hand.

In Jan's jacket

Here I am at the Wordfest Invitational Slam in Albany wearing one of the jackets supporter Jan gave me. It's actually way brighter than the lighting shows but still looks cool in B & W don't you think?

I was just there to help with the scoring as 7 teams met to "compete." They asked me to do a sacrifice poem -- "be the Sac" -- to let judges practice. I did "White Privilege," a poem close to my heart. I scored perfect 10's, and got alotta hugs after (a few new gigs too I hope). A wonderful night.

April's been a month of performances and strong affirmations of what I do. For details of where and when I'm reading, see my blog (note the Past Events page, as events drop off the calender after they happen).

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I begin poetry month

By agreeing to organize and host bi-monthly poetry appreciation group and reading series at East Greenbush Public Library. I met today with someone from the library and am excited about beginning. They even have a budget snacks and occasional guest features from out of town. I think I could and should be reaching out to libraries within a 4 hour drive of home. That's where the eager readers are centralized, yet not many have met slam in person yet. A mission! And one I am able to undertake thanks to your help.

Look for an update letter in mid April. Lots going on that I want to tell you about.